
Deferred Tax Excel Calculator

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Deferred Tax Liability arises due to timing difference in the value of Assets as per Books of Accounts and as per Income Tax Act.

Also we can say that Deferred Tax Liability/Asset arises due to the difference between Profit as per Books of Accounts (P&L Account) and profit as per Income Tax Act. (Taxable Income).

Depreciation is the main reason for difference in the profits as per books of Accounts and Taxable profits as per Income Tax Act. Both Income Tax Act and Companies Act prescribe different rates of Depreciation for different categories of Assets.

A deferred tax liability is recognized for temporary differences that will result in taxable amounts in future years.

(Deferred Tax Liability is created at the highest Marginal Rate of Tax i.e. 30.9%)

A1. What is the Meaning of Creating this Deferred Tax Liability

A1.  It simply means that the company will definitely have a tax Liability of that much in the future years. This is because in the years to come the Depreciation as per Income Tax Act will be lesser that the Depreciation as per Books of Accounts. Hence in these years the Company will have to create a Deferred Tax Asset

In Year 1 Deferred Tax Liability is created, this means that in Year 1, the company has postponed its tax Liability of Rs. Rs. xxxx/- to the Future years. This Liability will come back to the company one day or the other.

When the WDV of Assets as per Books and WDV as per IT Act both become ZERO, there is neither Deferred Tax Liability nor Deferred Tax Asset as there is no timing Difference

Deferred Tax is purely an accounting Concept. AS 22 - "Accounting for Taxes on Income
deals with Deferred Tax.


1. P&L A/c Dr  XXXX
         To Deferred Tax Liability A/c XXXX
(Being Deferred Tax Liability created in Year 1 at the Maximum Marginal Rate of Tax)

2. Deferred Tax Asset Dr XXX
         To P & L A/c  XXX



Net Profit as per P&L A/c XXX

Add: Deferred Tax Liability XXX
Less: Deferred Tax Asset XXX

Note: As Deferred Tax Liability is a Provision, it should be disallowed as an expense. Also deferred tax asset should be deducted from Income.
Source: Chand

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