EPF Online Payment is Mandatory

EPF Online Payment is Mandatory with official notification.

1. MoL&E Notification No. G.S.R. 360(E) dated 05.05.2015.ii) HO Circular of even No. dated 22.06.2015


Please refer to the above said subject.

2. The Central Government in exercise of the powers conferred by section 5 read with sub-section (1) of section 7 of the EPF&MP Act 1952 has notified amendments in Paras 38(1) and 48 of EPF Scheme, 1952 making it mandatory for employers to pay the statutory contributions through Internet Banking.

3. In exercise of powers conferred to the Central Provident Fund Commissioner under amended para 38(1) of EPF Scheme, 1952, it has been allowed vide order of even No. dated 24.06.2015 that an employer who makes payment of less than Rupees one lakh in a particular month as contributions under Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Funds Act, 1952 and Schemes framed there under, shall have the option to make such payments through bank drafts or banker’s cheques or cheques drawn only on the local bank as was being done earlier. A copy of the said order is enclosed for information. This order shall be valid upto the month of September, 2015. Thereafter, it shall be mandatory for all employers to make payments electronically through Internet banking. The employers remitting contribution below Rs. 1 lakh per month shall, however, have the option to remit such dues through the Internet banking even during the interim period upto September, 2015.

4. The employers may be advised through e-mail/SMS/press release for depositing contributions through Internet Banking as specified above.

Yours faithfully

(Sanjay Kumar)


Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation

(Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. Of India)

Head Office

Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan, 14- Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi — 110066

Fax: 011-26173022, Telephone: 26172685

No. Bkg.1(4)2010/Online Remittance /12870 , Date: 24th June 2015


Ministry of Labour & Employment vide notification no. G.S.R. 360(E) dated 5th May, 2015 has amended Para 38(1) of the EPF Scheme, 1952. The Central Government has made it mandatory for employers to pay statutory contributions electronically through Internet Banking only.

2. In exercise of powers conferred to the Central Provident Fund Commissioner under amended para 38(1) of EPF Scheme, 1952, it is hereby ordered that an employer who makes payment of less than Rupees one lakh in a particular month as contributions under Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Funds Act, 1952 and Schemes framed there under, shall have the option to make such payments through bank drafts or banker’s cheques or cheques drawn only on the local bank as was being done earlier. This order is being issued considering the fact that many of the participating employers having smaller work force may not readily have facility of Internet banking.

3. This order shall be valid up to the month of September, 2015. Thereafter, it shall be mandatory for all employers to make payments electronically through Internet banking.

(K.K. Jalan)

Central Provident Fund Commissioner


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