Table of Fees
(pursuant to rule 12 of the Companies (Registration of Offices and
Fees) Rules, 2014)
I. Fee for filings etc. under section 403 of the Companies Act, 2013
Table of fees for the documents required to be submitted, filed, registered or recorded or for any fact or information required or authorized to be registered under the Act, shall be submitted filed, registered or recorded within the time specified in the relevant provision on payment of fee as
Prescribed hereunder :-
A. Table of Fees to be paid to the Registrar
B. Following table of additional fees shall be applicable for delays in filing of the forms other than for increase in Nominal Share Capital
C. For increase in authorized capital,
II. FEE ON APPLICATIONS (including Appeal) made to Central Government under sub-section (2) of Section 459 of the Companies Act, 2013.
III. Annual Fee payable by a dormant company under sub-section (5) of section 455 of the Companies Act, 2013.
IV. Fee for Inspection and providing certified copies of documents kept by the Registrar under section 399 of the Act.
V. Fee for registration of documents under section 385 of the Act.
VI. Fees for Removal of Names of Companies from the Registrar of Companies under section 248 (2) of the Act.
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