Checklist for Acquiring ICE Code:-
Ø Application Form ( Part- A, and Part – D )
Ø Demand draft of Rs. 500 /- in favor of THE GOINT DIRECTOR GENERAL OF FOREIGN TRADE, JAIPUR
Ø Bank certificate as per prescribed format (Part- B, Appendix -18A) or Cancelled Cheque bearing preprinted name of applicant and A/C No.
Ø Self-certified copy of PAN Card of Prop. /Managing Partner/Director.
Ø Copy of Passport (first & last page)/Voter’s I-Card/ Driving License/UID (Aadhar card) (any one of these).

Ø Two loose photo of applicant (Prop. /Managing Partner/Director.)
Ø Self-Addressed with firm name envelope with Rs.30 /- postage stamp.
Ø Sale deed in case business premise is self-owned; or Rental/Lease Agreement, in case office is rented/ leased; or latest electricity /telephone bill.
Ø Copy of Partnership Deed / Certificate of incorporation as issued by the RoC
Ø Covering letter on Letter head of Firm/Company.
Ø Authority letter issued by Firm/Company to bearer/depositor of Form.
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