Attention students !
Examination Fees
If you are able to see the details of your examination enrollment viz. Examination centre, medium of examination, combination of module(s), etc. In the table given above, it means that you have successfully remitted the examination fee for June, 2015 session & you will be enrolled for the examination after verification of your request & eligibility conditions, etc. In case a blank table is being displayed without the enrollment details, it means that the institute has not received the examination fee.
Click Here to Check Your Enrollment Status
Verification Of Examination Enrollment Details & Removal Of Discrepancies
Please carefully go through the preliminary examination enrollment details for june, 2015 session of cs examinations as given in the above table & point out discrepancies, if any, to the institute at [email protected] or lodge request at 011-33132333 / 66204999.
Changes In The Examination Enrollment Status
Changes in enrollment status are not ordinarily entertained. However, in unavoidable circumstances, students may seek change in the examination enrollment status by submitting a formal online request with requisite fee of rs.250/- during the period from 10thapril 2015 to 17thmay 2015(upto 4:00 pm). After the said date & time, the online facility will be deactivated and requests for any change will not be entertained.
Requests For Change Of Time Slots For Appearing In The Computer-Based Foundation Programme Examination Will Not Be Entertained
Students appearing in the computer-based foundation programme examination need not submit request for change of medium, as the question papers are given in bi-lingual (English & Hindi) form.
Change of examination centre within a particular city is not allowed.
In case of multiple examination centres within a city, the allotment of examination centre in a particular part of the city (south, north, west, east, etc.) Will be subject to availability space, infrastructure and other administrative factors. The final allotment of examination centre considering all factors, will be made at the sole discretion of the institute. Requests from the students for any change in this regard will not be entertained.
Photograph / signature
In case of any mismatch in photograph and/or signature, students may please send scanned images of passport size photograph and signature (in jpg format) [email protected] mentioning the registration number. Students are advised to verify the photograph & signature as available in their online profile and disrepancies be pointed out immediately to avoid printing of incorrect photograph & signature in admit card, attendance sheet, etc. Which may subsequently result in complications at the time of appearing in the examinations.
Paper-wise exemption
On the basis of higher qualification(s) i.e. Ll.b. & final pass of icai(cost)] : students who have sought paper-wise exemptions on the basis of higher qualifications may please ensure that they have remitted the requisite fee of rs.1000/- per subject and submitted the docuentary evidence (certificates/ mark sheets, etc.) In support of their claim for paper-wise exemption. Students are advised to closely follow-up the matter with the institute at [email protected] and sort out the shortcomings in the exemption requests, if any, promptly. Students should not take their eligibility for exemption granted unless formally communicated by the institute.
On the basis of 60% marks criteria : students who are meeting the eligibility conditions of exemption on the basis of 60% marks during december, 2014 session are being granted exemption in the respective subjects pro-actively by the institute. Students who are not interested in availing the exemption may seek cancellation of the same by sending a formal request by e-mail at [email protected]
If any student appears in the examinations disregarding the exemption granted and as shown in the admit card, the appearance will be treated as valid and the exemptions will be cancelled. Requests for restoring such exemptions will not be entertained.
For any query pertaining to paper-wise exemption, students may please contact the institute at e-mail id at [email protected] or at telephone no. 011-33132333 / 66204999. For lodging their queries.
Introduction of computer based examinations for foundation programme & open book examinations for elective subjects under profesional programme
Foundation programme (computer-based) examinations during june, 2015 session will be under objective type pattern (please refer to detailed faq on the website).
Open book examinations will be conducted for the elective subjects under module-3 of professional programme (new syllabus) during june, 2015 session.
Switchover to executive programme (new syllabus)
Professional programme (old syllabus) students who would like to switchover to new syllabus may submit their request through the online facility available at before submitting the examination form. While switching over to professional programme (new syllabus), students are required to exercise their option for elective subject under module-3. The switchover will be irrevocable for the current session but students may change the elective subject, if necessary, before filling up the examination form during any subsequent session.
The last examination of professional programme (old syllabus) will be conducted in june,2015 session and from December, 2015 session all students under old syllabus would be switched over to new syllabus
Expiry of registration
Students whose registrations are valid upto february,2015 are eligible to appear in june, 2015 session of examinations. However, students whose registrations have expired prior to february, 2015 are required to seek registration denovo or extension of registration as per their eligibility. Registration denovo/ extension may be sought through the online facility available at after logging into the respective accounts of the students. For any query regarding registration denovo/ extension, students may please contact at e-mail id [email protected] or [email protected] or at 011-33132333 / 66204999.
Non-submission of 10+2 / graduation mark sheet / pass certificate
Foundation programme/ executive programme students whose request for examination enrollment have been rejected due to non-regularisation of “provisional registration” may upload the certificates immediately through the online portal. In case of any difficulty, please submit the 10+2/ graduation pass mark sheet / certificate at e-mail id [email protected] or lodge request at telephone no. 011-33132333 / 66204999 for updating the status failing which the examination enrollment will either be rejected and/ or the results will be withheld.
Examination fee
The details of examination related fee are as under : –
Foundation programme 1200/-
Executive programme 1200/-(per module)
Professional programme 1200/-(per module)
Late Fee (From 26.03.2015 To 09.04.2015) 250/-
Change of examination centre /medium/ module 250/-
Students wish to appear from Dubai centre, are advised to remit us $100 or rs. 6300/= in addition to all other fee mentioned above.
Updation of e-mail id / mobile number in the database
As the communications are mainly sent through bulk e-mail/ sms, students are advised to ensure the updation of the e-mail id and mobile number in the database. Students are allowed to change the e-mail id and mobile number on their own after logging into the portal. However, in case of any difficulty, please send an e-mail to
[email protected]
E-admit card June 2015
Despatch of admit cards (in physical form) by post has been discontinued from june, 2011 session of examination. Students are required to download the same from institute’s website
Students may download the admit card from institute’s website after 20th may, 2015
(requests for any change in the enrollment status will not be entertained after 16:00 hrs. On 17th may, 2015)