How to know the List of unconsumed challan :-
It is very simple. Login at Traces ( with your TAN detail, Press Dashboard button and then check “List of unconsumed challans” as shown in below picture :-
Reason of Generation of unconsumed Challan :-
Challan is not used in TDS / TCS return.
Amount of Interest on TDS is excess in Challan and I.T. Deptt has less charged interest on TDS.
Deductor has tagged less TDS amount of Deductee in comparison with the Amount deposited in Challan.
How do we remove these unconsumed challans :-
Submission of correction return is a complete solution to remove these challan in case the challan in not used in earlier submitted returns.
No action is required in case of balance amount of Interest in challan.
In case less tds amount in Deductee sheet was used, then correction is solution to remove such challans.