Summary of Proposed Changes in Companies Act 2013

a. Requirement under Section 42 and Rule made thereunder with regard to preparation and filing of the private placement offer letter and form PAS 4 to be discontinued.

 b. Disclosures mandated under Rule 13(2) (d) of the Companies (Share Capital and Debenture) Rules, 2014 to be embodied in the Private Placement Application Form.

 c. Important information presently provided in Form PAS-4 to be shifted as disclosure requirement under Rule 13(2) (d). In case of private placement of non-convertible debentures within the ceiling specified under Section 180(1) (c), the Board resolution under Section 179(3) (c) to provide for reasonable details about the proposed offer.

 d. Subject to the limit on the number of persons who could be made the offer of securities as prescribed under Section 42(2), a company to be allowed to open more than one issue of securities, at the same time, in a year, to such classes of investors as may be prescribed by Rules.

 e. Section 42(3) to be made explicit about the simultaneous offering of securities of different kinds, as currently prescribed in the Rules.

 f. To modify Section 42(7) to offer securities only to persons whose details as may be prescribed, are recorded by the company, prior to the invitation to subscribe, with no requirement to file it with the Registry.

 g. New Rule to be inserted to the effect that companies would initiate circulation of application form and collect monies only after the resolution (i.e. Special resolution or the Board resolution) is filed with the Registry.

 h. Consequential change to be made to Rule 14(3) and form PAS-5 to be omitted.

i. In case of non-convertible debentures, the proviso to Rule 14(2)(a) to be amended to prescribe that the relevant board resolution under Section 179(3)(c) would be adequate in case the offer under Section 42 is for debentures up to the amount permissible for Board under Section 180(1)(c) of the Act.

j. Board resolution to clearly mention (in the body of the resolution) that the offer of debentures being approved by the Board is through private placement under Section 42 and certain other minimum details to be provided in the Board resolution, as may be prescribed in the Rules.

k. Private companies (who have been given exemption from Section 117(3) (g) through Section 462 notification) to be required to file board resolutions under Section 179(3) (c) or pass a special resolution.

l. Section 42(1) to clearly provide that provisions of Section 42 and rules made thereunder shall also apply to offer of convertible securities referred to in Section 62(1) (c) read with Rule 13 of the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014.

m. Companies to be required to file return of allotment (PAS-3) within the prescribed timeline, and to be made liable for penalties under Section 42 in case of non-compliance.

n. Act/Rules to provide that companies would not be allowed to utilise the monies raised

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