The Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020 is governed by The Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992.(Hereinafter Referred As ‘FTDRA, 1992’)
The policy is a reflection of gradual shift from incentive based to a reward based one.
Service export scheme from India
Under, Service Export From India Scheme(SEIS), vide Public Notice 3/2015 – 20, DT.1st April 2015, Government of India has notified various eligible Services, rates & conditions for rewards under the scheme.
As per Appendix 3D of Foreign Trade Policy 2015 – 20, exporter of Legal Services(Mentioned in 1(A)(a)) (CPC code:861) are entitled to get the reward of 5% of Net Foreign Exchange Earnings*.
*Net Foreign Exchange Earnings = Gross Earnings of Foreign Exchange – Total Expenses/ Payment/Remittances of Foreign Exchange by the IEC holder, relating to service sector in the Financial Year
86119 – Legal advisory and representation services in judicial procedures concerning other
fields of law
Legal advisory and representation services during the litigation Process, & Drafting services of Legal Documentation in relation to Law other than criminal Law.
Representation Services generally consist of either acting as a prosecutor on behalf of the client or defending the client from a Prosecution.
Research and other work for Preparation of a case (e.g. Researching Legal Documentation, Interviewing Witnesses, Reviewing Police and other Reports)
Execution of Post Litigation Work, in relation to Law other than Criminal Law
86120 – Legal advisory and representation services in statutory procedures of quasi-judicial tribunals, boards, etc. :-
Legal advisory and representation services during the litigation Process, & Drafting services of Legal Documentation in relation to Statutory Procedures.
To be the Representative of Client in front of a Statutory Body (e.g. an Administrative Tribunal)